Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 129 The Perfect Mom Project

I just got back from vacation. Yesterday I packed a little overnight bag for myself and hit the road. First I stopped and did a Christmas return and a little shopping and then I headed over to my girlfriend's house to spend the night. I just had to get out of here. I was so overwhelmed and so upset, that I was taking it out on everyone. I called my good friend of 25 years and she said, "Come on over!" and so I did.

We have been friends through think and thin. She was my Maid of honor and I stood up in her wedding too. Since the 80's, we have had chick weekends and family get togethers and even some times when we were not speaking, but she was always and will always be in my heart. My friend knows me better then I know myself sometimes. She is the calm to my storm. She can make sense when I have no sense. Being with her was just what I needed!

I stopped by her house to pick her up and we went out for dinner and poked around some shops and then headed back to her house for conversation and relaxation! It was just what the doctor ordered. I needed somewhere that I could just stop worrying about everyone else and think about me. My brain was reeling with Aunt Nina's requests and my Dad's issues and then of course the added family drama issues. It was a nice little break and a good start towards a new year. I just need to keep this clear mind set for as long as possible.

As we talked my friend helped me see things that I had not thought of. She suggested that perhaps my anger with my sister about not making plans was based more in how upset I was with my parents and how they handled themselves when they had come to town. She said that perhaps the recent events triggered the past memories and stress. I thought that was a good call. We also talked about our lives over the years, the people we have known and the things we have done. There was something cleansing about the whole evening. It felt good to laugh at ourselves and pretend the we had no responsibilities. It was a great escape!

It is back to reality now. Time to get ready to take Avery to the dentist and then do some grocery shopping I have had my fun and now it is time to get back to my real life. I am happy to be home, but there is a little piece of me that is still wishing for some more play time. I will have to see if I can sneak some in later, mean while...back to the work of mothering!

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