Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 103 The Perfect Mom Project

Well, where did that week go? I am sure that it was only a minute, not a week. I would like to know how I have arrived at Friday, it does not feel like I have accomplished a darn thing this week.

Aly has left for school and she leaves with her school around 11:30 AM today for her drama competition. I hope she has everything she needs. She is at the age now, where she does her own preparing and packing. I just stand back and nibble on my fingers wanting to suggest things to her, but knowing that she has to do this on her own. I won't lie to you, I did stick my nose into her business yesterday when I suggested that what she was planning on wearing for one of the competitions would not work. Surprisingly, she did not appreciate my two cents at first, but after she poked around her room some more she came up with a more appropriate choice.

I am trying like crazy to once again motivate Avery to clean her room. She would like to have a girlfriend spend the night tomorrow night during the progressive dinner. One of my girlfriends that does the progressive dinner with us has a daughter that Avery has been best friends with since they were tiny little things. It would be great to have them hang out, it would be more fun for Avery, and I would not have to worry about her being alone the whole night, since Aly is gone. The trouble is that Avery goes into her room under the guise that she is going to clean and then she flops down on her bed and start reading. I love that Avery is a reader, do not get me wrong, but she goes overboard with it. She will walk with a book open in front of her, or even stay up till at least midnight on a school night trying to finish a "good book". I know I am very fortunate that she is a reader, but my complaint is that it sometimes voids out other things in her life...for example CLEANING HER ROOM!!

I will just have to have faith that she wants the sleepover as much as I do. I am not cleaning the room, so the only way it will get done is if Avery does it. I repeat, I AM NOT CLEANING HER ROOM. I said that more for my benefit, not Avery's. I would not actually clean her room, but I might stand outside the door and cheer lead her. This time, I need to let her stand or fail based on her own motivation. I will say though, there is a good chance I might walk by and clear my throat from time to time. Without a perfect Mom handbook to guide me , I have to make things up as I go.

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