Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 118 The Perfect Mom Project

We are off to see our oldest daughter Ashleigh today! I am excited to see her and I am looking forward to seeing her home all decorated for Christmas. Another part of our plan is to bring home her dog Louie, he will stay with us until Christmas. Ashleigh's husband Scott has booked a snowmobile trip for just the two of them and they will return home the day before Christmas Eve.

We love having Louie here. When Ashleigh first got her dog (Louie) it was the week before she graduated from college. I thought she was nuts, "A dog?, You do not need a dog Ashleigh!" But as soon as I met Louie I fell in love with him too. I promptly offered to watch him for her when she headed out of town to see Scott who was working out of state. Since Scott works out of town quite often, I would watch Louie quite often, while Ashleigh would travel to see him. I grew more and more in love with that darn dog. It got to the point that when Louie would go home, I would cry. Quite the jump from"Are you nuts?" don't you think?
My longing and sadness from missing Louie turned into my wanting a dog of my own. When I mentioned this to my friends, they all said "Are you nuts?" I have to say, I wondered that myself! One day almost two years ago, I was driving through our town and saw a sign at a local groomer that they had puppies for sale. I was feeling blue that day and thought perhaps a little puppy cuddle would pop me out of my blues. That is the day I met Roxanne. She was this sassy little puff of fur that was chasing all the other puppies and wrestling them to the ground. I liked her spunk! I was hooked, and did not know what to do. I called a friend that had two dogs of her own and asked her if she would go back with me to see this puppy and give me her opinion. That afternoon, back I went with my puppy advisor. Some help she was(she was supposed to talk me out of a puppy), she saw all the puppies and melted, that day we both went home with new puppies!
Roxanne has been a joy and a pain at various times, but we all love her at our house, as a matter of fact, Louie loves her too! When you say, "Louie is coming!" Roxanne perks up her head and cocks it to the side, like she is saying "He is, where is he?" Louie does the same thing when Ashleigh mentions Roxanne to him. They are so cute together, they play and fight just like my kids do. This whole puppy situation is just another example of how as a Mom, I am constantly learning from my kids. I am also glad that all of my girls are able to respectfully disagree with me. Many times I have learned from all of them that Mom's are not always right. Sometimes I have to get a little nudge, or even a push to see that my way is not always the right way. It is a tough lesson, but I am up to the challenge, I like to believe the saying, "You learn something new everyday!". So, today I will surprise Roxanne with her pal Louie and the doggy fun will begin.

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