Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 116 The Perfect Mom Project

I'm OK, everyone relax! That is what I was thinking as I laid on the dining room floor in the dark last night.

After everyone was snug in their beds last night our cat Emeril started pawing at Avery's bedroom door. Since I did not want the cat to wake her up, I hopped out of bed and grabbed the cat and headed down the hall. My plan was to pitch the cat into the basement and close the door so that we could all get a good nights rest.

As I got into the dining room it was quite dark (no, I did not think to turn on a light) and I had to feel around for the basement door. I wanted to make sure it was open, so that I did not bump my head or somehow hurt the squirming cat in my arms. Reaching around for the door, feeling into the it! I tossed the cat onto the stairs and closed the basement door. As I turned to head back to the bedroom, BAM, I tripped over Mark's briefcase and landed on the floor.

As you might recall, I mentioned earlier this week that my family likes to use the area by my back door as a ceremonial dumping ground for all of their stuff. Mark's briefcase, has been a topic of discussion from time to time, because it is heavy and bulky and just plain in the way! I had asked him to please take it down by our desk at night, because it was in the way and I had bumped into a a couple of times. Now, here I was splayed out on the dining room floor, and (I will be honest) I was not saying please anymore. First of all no one even came to see if I was OK. Mark told me this morning he did not think I fell, he thought I just tripped. OK, but could that be cause for sympathy? Apparently not!

I had a very bad attitude as I climbed back into bed. I gave strict orders(there was some bad language involved) to my loving husband to move that #*#** briefcase ASAP! I have to tell you, I was more upset that no one came to check on me and make sure I was OK. I know that sounds crazy, but I was hoping for some sympathy. I got zip, nada, nothing! Perhaps I should have screamed as I fell or just laid quietly on the floor and waited until Mark figured out I was not coming back to bed, although anyone who knows me, knows that I could never lay anywhere quietly, so that idea is out.

When I woke up this morning, I decided I should let it go. I went to workout with my girlfriend and I told her about what happened and we laughed. Silly, crazy life! Stuff happens to all of us and we can stay stuck in it, or move on. It did help that when I came home from working out, Mark was at the door waiting for me and he said "I am sorry about last night". That little face he makes when he apologizes, it is hard not to accept, so we kissed and hugged and moved on with our day.

I do not want anything to ruin our day tomorrow, especially some silly moment that is over and done with! Mark is taking the day off and we are going to go Christmas shopping and spend the day together. To me that is better then any wrapped gift. The only thing I am going to ask, is that my family please put all of their stuff away that is by my back door. Now I have a tragic story to point to any time they leave their things laying around. Hey, I could have been really hurt, you know!

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