Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 228 The Perfect Mom Project

As I write this it is about 3:00 PM and my youngest is worn out. She is actually taking a nap. We spent the morning walking around a local town shopping for souvenirs. It was incredibly hot and tiring. Avery was so tired she refused lunch and fell right to sleep. For me it is nice to take a break from the typical days we have had and just relax in the room while she rests. I enjoy vacation, but I also need my alone time. That is when I am able to rejuvenate myself mentally.

The girls are enjoying themselves and they have liked having their friends here to hang out with. It has made the trip a lot more fun. Having other kids here has given them more freedom too. On their own here we would be less likely to let them go off on their own. With the other people here they can travel in packs and we worry less about them. When the group of kids wanted to go swimming last night we were able to let our girls go, knowing that there is strength in numbers.

Our vacation has been whipping by us and we are not sure where the days have gone. We are now heading into the hurry up and have more fun phase of the trip, where you want to squeeze more out of each day. Perhaps it is I time to wake Avery and head out for some sun and fun. I am not looking forward to waking my little cub, she could turn on me! Oh well, here goes….it really went better than expected, off we go!

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