Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 226 The Perfect Mom Project

Travel makes people cranky! I just know because we have been taking turns in our family. We have each had a moment when we were looked at by the others as over the edge. With very little sleep yesterday we climbed on to a bus and a plane and then another bus to arrive at our destination. We have experienced a week in 24 hours!

I have had to tell an upset 15 year old to suck it up and roll with the punches and an almost to sunburned 13 year old that despite what she wants, she will ruin my trip if she does not cover up and well, I admit it, this morning I went over the edge and honestly cannot give a real good explanation of why. So far, Mark has been the port in our feminine storm.We are traveling with so many different people with so many different personalities. The one thing I know for sure is that four of my dearest friends are here with us and they have brought along their husbands who are friends of Mark's. We will have a great week no matter what. We just need to keep our kids from self destructing from too much sun and fun. Seems like a good problem to have, and we are all very lucky to be here, but genetically I am someone that does not take too much of anything without fallout and I know my kids are the same way, so I want to avoid the fallout from them so that my week and their week is a pleasant memory and not a remember when moment at a family dinner years from now.

This is going to be a real trick considering that my mildly sunburned 13 year old told us that she did not care if she was sunburned, she wanted to go back to the beach. That's when I looked at my girlfriends and said "Up until this moment I was proud of raising strong and confident young women". So with less of a spring in my step, I will try parenting while on vacation some more. It is not as easy as you might think!

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