Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 227 The Perfect Mom Project Day

As I write this today, I am waiting for word on my oldest daughter. She was having some medical tests done today and I am waiting to hear how they turned out. Nothing serious that we know of, but the fact that we are thousands of miles away really cramps my mothering style. I would like to be there with her. Her husband is there, as he should be. Maybe this is a lesson in letting go.

It is hard to imagine anyone caring for my children better than me, but the truth is that she met a wonderful man and he takes great care of her. There has even been once or twice that he has taken me to task for saying something that has upset Ashleigh. I actually admire him for that. He had the strength to stand up to his Mother-in-law to protect his wife. No mother can ask for more than her daughter being cared for and protected lovingly. So although I am not there, I know that she is in very good and capable hands. If nothing else that does bring me comfort.

Here at vacation central we are holding our own. We are learning to relax and just have fun. I am not known for my relaxation skills (as you can probably tell, since I continue to write even on vacation), but I am doing much better than I expected. I do have to say that my youngest daughter Avery is having a good time. Even after the whole sunburn issue yesterday. Last night as we were all climbing into bed Avery said, "I think I am sunburned". Hhhmmm…really? I almost bled to death from biting my tongue, since earlier in the day she was battling me over sunscreen. One of my friends that are here said that she tried to tell her son about sunscreen yesterday and last night his feet were lobster red. She has decided that it is best for him to learn from his own mistakes. It is probably best that I adopt this attitude too. It will save me from becoming a hovering mother and pushing my kids away.
So, today this Mom is learning how to love from afar, both with the children that are actually far and the children that are near. This should be interesting, I am not sure I will be able to do it, but I am willing to try. Oh and by the way, I love and miss you Ashleigh.

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