Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 37 The Perfect Mom Project

OUCH! Every joint hurts this morning. I do not feel very good. I do not think it is the flu, since I do not have a fever, but my head is stuffy and I feel very run down. Here is the problem, I am the Mom. I have to pull it together and get going.

This part of mothering is the hardest part. When you are not feeling well, but you still have to get a bunch of things done. I was able to get my family to feed themselves last night, but now I am trying to figure out what I will do tonight. I am hoping to feel well enough later to get out to the store and pick up some tomato soup. I think that today is an excellent day for soup and grilled cheese.

Moms just do not get days off. I had surgery a few years back, nothing big, but I had to take it easy for about 6 weeks. My family was helpful and did do things around the house for me, but I had to bite my tongue (which is not easy for me) a lot of times. For instance when I would be in bed resting and everyone would forget about me. Apparently if you are a mom you do not need tender loving care like everyone else.

I just had a great idea! What about someone that comes in and takes care of mom when she is sick and tired? Not a maid or a nurse, but someone that would bring her food, give her medicine, take her temperature and tidy up her rest area. Wait, that is a nurse and maid combo. What would you call that...hhhhmmm...how about MOM!

I know I sound bitter, it is just that I would love just a little back up when I do not feel well. I guess it is like being your own boss, there is no one else. Everyone around you is intent on keeping themselves together and they are so used to you being on your game, that they do not even realize what you do or do not do, because YOU ALWAYS DO IT! I do not sense anyway out of this. I am pretty sure that once you are a mom it is just an unwritten rule that you are on your own when you are sick. That means that at least for a little while today, I will rest and try to get it together. Then, I will be back on taxi duty, picking up my children from their after school activities. I guess today I will just shoot for being a semi-perfect mom, its all I've got in me.

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