Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 11 The Perfect Mom Project

Today is the beginning of Peach Festival. In our town this is IT! The most important thing to my kids is that the carnival starts this afternoon. Everyone that is anyone, goes to the carnival on Thursday night. A local paper offers a Thursday only coupon each year for $3 off the "ride all the rides all day" wristband. Our family has jokingly called it Towny Night. This is where you go to hang out and see people you have not seen all summer. It is a lot of fun. Of course this year my husband and I will be keeping our distance, since both girls are now teenagers we are to wait in the beer tent for them. Darn!

Here is the thing, the girls have planned every minute of everyday. It is like watching them plan a military take over. No stone is left unturned while they try to squeeze every last bit of summer out of the next 5 days. By the time school starts they will be exhausted and so will I! Yesterday afternoon I realized that my jaw was bothering me. I thought,"what the heck is the matter" and then it hit me. I had been clinching my teeth all day. Because not only are we entertaining friends and family over the weekend and driving the kids everywhere, my husband is putting in this huge drain system in our backyard. Our daughter Ashleigh and Son-in-law Scott are coming in to town to help my husband and a good friend of ours has also offered to help too.

So I think my husband will have his hands full. You know what that means, my taxi is back in service. I just need the girls to write out exactly who needs to be where and when. I have all of their plans in my head whipped up like scramble eggs. Somehow, I think this is going to be a very expensive weekend. Not only because of all the activites and projects, but because this weekend is 5 days long...phew. My plan is to make sure that everyone makes it through the weekend in one piece ( me included). I am also hoping that at some point this weekend one of my wonderful girls will turn to me and say, "Mom, thanks for driving us everywhere". Wish us luck!

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