Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 24 The Perfect Mom Project

Well, the beasts have been sated with a car full of food. It is amazing what a little food can do to bring harmony into the home. Perhaps I will keep this whole grocery shopping thing up. Today there was no end to the choices for breakfast and lunch. However, I did forget to warn my family that it is Wednesday, and that is Every Man for Himself Day at our house. They will all be responsible for using up leftovers, or creating their own meals. So there may be some food complaints later this evening. In the mean time I will bask in the glow of my success.

I also went to my first open house of the week at the middle school last night. Usually Mark comes with me and keeps me entertained, but he was unable to join me last night, so I was on my own. My daughter is in 8th grade, so not as many parents showed up for this event. I think by 8th grade most parents figure they know the ropes and just keep the evening open! I only saw a couple of familiar faces.

For whatever reason I was extremely tired and being at open house only made it worse. Maybe it was grocery shopping, since I am out of practice. Maybe I pulled some sort of mental muscle making the list and locating the items. I did try to gather as much information as possible about the classes Avery is in so that I could back up the teachers if I needed to.

Aly left here this morning happy and excited about her day at school and Avery is upstairs singing as she prepares to leave for school. These are the mornings that make me a happy Mom! Tonight is soccer practice, which Mark will handle (thank goodness)since he is coach, and the final open house of the week at the high school, which will be my job. I think I might just make it through this week in one piece. I am prepared for anything though. As Aly was leaving I was double checking with her about the time I would need to pick her up from her friends house she is visiting after school today. "5 o'clock right?" I said. "Yeah, I guess unless I call you with a different time."was her reply. Can everyone say TAXI!

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