Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 25 The Perfect Mom Project

At the middle school Parent Club meeting last week the principal made a comment that has stuck with me. I can not remember the exact phrase, but it went something like this.
You have to start somewhere to get anywhere.
I liked the phrase because it has been my personal mantra for most of my life. I have always been someone who is not afraid to go for it. I think that my willingness to keep moving forward has been an advantage in everything that has happened to me through the years.

When we moved into the house we own twelve years ago, I was thrilled! It was the nicest home I had ever owned and I was looking forward to raising my girls in what I consider a great neighborhood. I love it here to this day. Some wonderful things have happened here.

At one point a few months after moving in my neighbor mentioned she was going to start walking to get in shape. I asked her if she would mind some company, since I was struggling to get off the weight from having my girls. We have been walking ever since. 3 miles 4 days a week for the last 12 years. Not only was this a great way to get in shape, it was the chance to get to know my neighbor. We have been great friends ever since. While walking we have solved problems with our kids and husbands, planned trips and laughed. It has been one of the greatest "starts" I have ever made. As the years have gone on we have added another neighbor to our workout and now she too is a very important part of our lives.

Stepping out into my life and making things happen is the the best example to my kids that I am only as good as I make myself. In recent years I have been involved in many things in my girls schools. I have worked in parent groups and volunteered my help with many things and have always come away with a new friend.

A few years ago, I became part of a group at the middle school we lovingly called The Newsletter Moms. The last Thursday of each month during the school year we would get together in a conference room near the school office. While we were there folding and stuffing the newsletter, we would be laughing and talking and sometimes even crying. Here again another successful "start". Even though the newsletter is now emailed and we are no longer needed, we still consider ourselves The Newsletter Moms and we get together for lunch, dinner and even coffee. We can not all be there every time, but it is always just enough of us for a great conversation and a lot of laughing!

I could not be the Mom I am today without the friends that I have in my life. These great women have been a wonderful example to me. I have learned more about what a "good mom" truly is from watching these Moms in action! I have told my husband that each of my friends has pieces of the Mom I would want for myself. Since everyday is a new beginning I get the opportunity to "start" again today, I wonder where I will go from here?

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