Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 30 The Perfect Mom Project

Today is a banner day, not only is it the first day of autumn, but it is my 30th day writing this blog. Can you believe that I have had that much to write about? Looking ahead though that means that I have another 335 days left to share my Perfect Mothering quest with you. If each day continues like yesterday, I should have no problem coming up with things to share.

Yesterday started with a muggy rainy morning. Our tradition here at the Beadle bungalow is that on rainy mornings Mom drives you to the bus stop. Why work hard to look cute for school and have it all go down the drain in that rain! With that in mind the shuttle was up and running. I will be honest and tell you that I was in my PJ's and slippers. I felt that it was not as dangerous a move in the rain, once it snows , I will probably rethink that move.

Once my tour of shuttling duty was over I headed home to get my day started. I ate some breakfast and poked around on the computer and then nothing. I just sat there. I watched an old Betty Davis movie, and began to feel disgusted with myself. Get moving! I just could not get it together. Finally in the late morning a good friend called and asked me to go walking with her. If it had not been for that I would probably still be sitting in my PJ's on the couch.

Now the thing that bothers me the most is just a few short years ago, after the girls were up, I would jump in the shower, get dressed, do my hair and make up and TA DA, ready for the day. I would never have thought to go to the bus stop, anything but put together. Where did that on the ball, put together woman go? I just do not feel like putting myself into full gear like that anymore. I still get ready for the day, but at a much slower pace. I don't think my kids care, because they still let me drive them, but I feel like I am becoming somewhat apathetic about myself. Have some pride woman, how hard is it to put on some pants?

I think I am going to work on a little dignity today. Fortunately it is not raining out, so I do not have to drive to the bus, but just for the heck of it I am going to get it together early and see if I can recapture some of my old self. A little hair and makeup before 8:00 AM and get started on my day. Why not, I have nothing to lose, and I could feel like a new woman. First I am going to warm up my coffee though, I want to be a little more awake before I get started. Wish me luck!

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