Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 20 The Perfect Mom Project

Today is my 17th wedding anniversary. Believe it or not that is the longest I have ever lived with anyone except my oldest daughter Ashleigh. The fact that Mark has been able to hang in there this long, gives me a little confidence that maybe I'm not to bad to live with. Having a loving and supportive husband like Mark helps me to be a good Mom to my girls.

When we first met I was dating someone else. It was not someone that I thought of as a "keeper", so when Mark and I met I immediately knew he was the man for me. We joke about it now, but after our second meeting, he hugged me goodbye and said "Try not to miss me too much!". I was horrified, did he know I liked him? How did he know? I figured he had bigger fish to fry and would not have any interest in me. I was wrong. Later after I told him this story he laughed and said he had a habit back then of always saying that when he was leaving. Real funny, freak a poor girl out why don't you!

With Mark in my life I have the unconditional love that I never had before. Mark is truly my soul mate. There are times when I will think something and turn to him to tell him and he will already be saying it to me. We are fortunate that we can talk about almost anything. His sense of humor continues to keep us laughing. Actually his humor was one of the reasons I fell in love with him. I do not think I ever have laughed as much as I do now with Mark, however I know that Mark would be the first to tell you that his sense of humor does get on my nerves sometimes. Our girls have also developed a great sense of humor and I believe it is because we do laugh so much at home.

My husband has gone to marriage weekends, Marriage book studies, and getaway weekends trying to keep our relationship strong. I can not imagine my life without him. With Mark's love I have been able to accomplish things that I never thought I would. One of the most important things is my children. I have a true gift in the chance to mother these spirits.

My love for Mark continues to grow and I hope as we celebrate today that we can enjoy spending time together, laughing and talking. Perhaps we will cook together which is something else we like to do. I know no matter what we will have a great day. The best part is that we will have many more of those days to follow. Happy Anniversary Mark, I love you!

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