Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 35 The Perfect Mom Project

The beginning of another is it possible? I was so excited yesterday to spend the day with my girls. All the plans were in place and the day started out very well. As we sat around watching some old family videos, Ashleigh started not to feel well. Slowly our plans began to change, we were moving some plans and scratching off others. This kept happening until Ashleigh said "I think I am going to go home...I do not want to get everyone here sick and I do not want to drive home tomorrow if I feel worse."

This was a huge disappointment. After I had been looking forward to spending all this time together with the girls, it was a real let down. I actually found myself getting teary eyed. I did not want to let on to Ashleigh, because I knew she did not feel well, and I did not want to make her feel guilty on top of everything else.

Today is a new day! Ashleigh is home safe and hopefully feeling better being in her own bed. The younger girls and I are going to breakfast. We just have to try to pull a rabbit out of a hat. If we get caught up in our disappointment, we will not be able to move forward. Our time together without Ashleigh will be different, but it will still be enjoyable.

Soon Mark will be home from his weekend golf trip and we will celebrate his birthday. We will spend some time with him, and have some fun family time. At least that is the plan right now, you never know. You have to be ready for anything.

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