Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 19 The Perfect Mom Project

With any project you have details that you must attend to so that at the end you have a finished product. Since Mothering perfection is my product, I feel it necessary to attend the parent meetings at my children's school and I also like to attend all of the other events that they have to support the schools. By participating I feel that not only do I know what is happening in the school and helping make the school a better place, I am also letting my children know that school is important. It does not hurt that I am then comfortable speaking to the different teachers and administrators at each school and they are also comfortable enough with me to share openly about my children. It is a win, win situation.

Yesterday was the first Parent club meeting at my daughter Avery's middle school. The first meeting is usually fun, because you see Moms that you have not seen all summer and you can spend a little time catching up with them. I like to think of it as networking, because you never know when you might have to ask advice about, (or recruit some help for) a school event, or even just meet someone that you can eventually become good friends with, which is my favorite part. Beside the socializing, I enjoy the meetings because we are able to learn quite a bit about what is going on at the school and in the district.

As I sat there at the meeting chatting with a friend and sipping a cup of coffee, the meeting began. I found myself not as focused as I normally am. I am not sure if it was being tired or if it was that this was my fifth and final year of the beginning of the year speech that the principal gives. Regardless, my mind was wondering. In my fog I thought I heard my name, and then I realize that the principal has just asked me to do something. Great, my cover was blown now this entire room full of Moms knew that I was not paying attention. So with what little pride I had left I looked at him and said "What did you want me to do? I was not paying attention". He then asked me to start off the group by saying my name and the name of my child and what grade they were in. To top things off a little later my cell phone rang. I am apparently not quite ready to go back to school!

I am hoping that this lack luster attitude is just temporary and not a symptom of a bigger issue. Hopefully, I am not slowly going to the dark side of uncaring indifference. I am not sure if I would do well there. Being a perfect mom would allude me if I start down that path and then where would I be? Perhaps a year of writing about what it is like to be on the dark side. Hhhhmmn...I will have to think about this.

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