Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 22 The Perfect Mom Project

It has only been a week, but I am still not in the swing of this whole school thing. I miss how quiet my house was in the morning during the summer. I also miss not having something going on every day. This week is packed.

Mark is coaching Avery's team in soccer this year, and that starts Wednesday. There will be practices every Wednesday, with games every Saturday and some Thursday evenings, for 8 weeks. I have never been a very good Soccer Mom. I just do not enjoy sitting in the freezing cold, or the rain. I do not understand the game which makes it even less interesting. The best part for me is when I know one of the moms that is there for a game. Then I have what Mark calls "a little friend to play with". The upside is that with Mark as coach I do not have to run back and forth to the practices. I know it sounds selfish, but trust me when my girls were in dance I was driving them a lot farther and sat a lot longer waiting for their little tutu's to be done!

We also have an Open House on Tuesday night at the middle school and one at the high school Wednesday night. The Open Houses are a necessary evil. I really do not like going, but I do like seeing who the girls have for a teacher, it helps me understand what the girls are talking about when they have a problem with a teacher. Sometimes you can just tell at Open House what the teacher is like. Sometimes the girls will complain about a teacher and I know from meeting the teacher that it is more the girls problem then it is the teacher. Other times just meeting the teacher you know that they had better do their work and stay under the radar as best as they can. Good things to know in the parenting jungle!

Mainly it is a drag to be on the go every evening. I find myself already fantasizing about Friday night and it is only Monday morning. I am sure with everything we have to do, the week will speed by and I will not be the worse for wear, but looking at it up front it seems like Mount Everest! So I will go pack my survival gear and prepare for the week ahead.

1 comment:

Ragen said...

Has anyone else noticed that no one comments on my blogs? Is there anyone out there?