Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 220 The Perfect Mom Project

What is your purpose? There are websites all over the web ready to tell you, there are also shelves and shelves of books too, but I think you need to be your own detective on this subject.

When Ashleigh was born I was convinced that my purpose here on earth was to raise Ashleigh into greatness. It was nothing like the Virgin Mary, raising Jesus. It was more that I had no idea who I was and having my baby gave me a direction. It was sort of like my, ah ha moment. "Oh, I know, I will be a Mom!" That is how I have moved through the world for the last 26 years; as a mom. Now comes this question on the radio; what is your purpose? The question came from Maya Angelou no less and I am now compelled to answer it. Where do I begin though?

I have no interest in paying money for a web course or even reading a book about finding my purpose. I cannot imagine that anyone else, (who I do not know) will be able to find my purpose. That is my job. I also do not think that it is even something lofty. I am sure that whatever my purpose is, it is small, but big at the same time. My purpose could be as simple as the wind in someone's sails. My small push gets someone off in the right direction. Maybe even propels them to greatness…you just never know. Whatever it is, I hope that I can discover it soon, because each time I hear Maya Angelou ask the question; what is your purpose? I feel like I am not enlightened or fulfilled enough to get it yet. I just want to be able to smile and nod like all of the others that know there purpose and are following their destinies.

For today, my purpose is to be the best wife and friend, and mom I can be. I can be the shoulder for my friend to lean on and the shield to protect anyone who needs me. Today, my purpose is to squeeze every drop of life out of each moment, and enjoy this gift of living. I don't know that seems like a good start, what do you think? Oh, and by the way…What is your purpose?

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