Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 201 The Perfect Mom Project

Yesterday the fact that I had written for 200 days flew under the radar. I wanted to focus on my Mom's day and so that's what I did. With today's Blog I now have 164 more days to go until the project ends. Writing this blog has been more healing and centering then I ever expected. Each day writing out what has been trapped inside my head has helped me to move forward in my life. I have also made it through the winter with a much better attitude then I ever have before. This written journey is not over, but the pathway that has been laid out is shorter now.

Yesterday, I had my cake and ate it too!! It was delicious! This morning Mark and Aly passed on a day after birthday slice of cake, but Avery and I added a slice to our morning breakfast. Avery just might be a chip off the old block when it comes to cake. Honestly, I think I have mentioned before that Avery acts like sugar is a food group, so the fact that she jumped on board for a slice of cake this morning is no surprise. I did tell Mark and Aly not to come crying to me if there is no cake left when they get home today. I only have so much restraint. I do have to say though that I chose a Bumpy cake which I have never had before. That is a darn rich cake! I do feel like I might have an oil slick in my tummy.

Now that it is warming up it is time for my family to start discussing what we will do with my Mom's ashes. I could keep her sitting on the end table in my living room, but I do not feel that suits her. A friend had suggested that I put them in my garden and plant something with her. I liked that idea very much. It would be an appropriate thing to do for my Mom. We could choose a day that is warm and sunny and lay her to rest among God's great work. She would be forever surrounded by beauty and her loving family. This would be a wonderful way to honor her life. Avery has suggested that we plant daises, and I think that would be a great idea.

The anniversary of her passing will be May 22nd. I think that we will plan something around that warm and sunny time of year. Since we are on day 201 it is probably a good idea to move forward in my journey, I need to head towards closure and healing. With the end of this journey comes another, I have received more news about my Dad which I will share with you tomorrow.

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