Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 146 The Perfect Mom Project

The house is quiet this morning. Mark is still sleeping and both girls are spending the night with girlfriends. I need to spend this time this morning sipping my coffee and thinking. I have so many things spinning around in my head and I need some time to sort them all out.

I stumbled across this picture this morning of a frog relaxing in the water fall of our pond. As I looked at the photo I was thinking how contemplative the frog looked and wondered what he might be thinking about, or even trying to sort out. I don’t think that humans are the only ones that have worries and concerns. I am certain that every creature must times when they have to stop and think and even regroup a little. Perhaps the frog was just happy to be feeling the cool water flowing around him, grateful to have a few moments of quiet and calm.

That is me this morning. I grateful for this time of calm and quiet and I intend to enjoy every minute of it. I think I will warm up my coffee, grab a book and sit in my comfy chair with a blanket. Mark gave me a book for Christmas called “Everyone’s Normal Until You Get To Know Them” by John Ortberg. I think that today would be a good day to start that book. He tells me I asked for this book for Christmas, but I am not so sure. Regardless, I will spend a little time reading, relaxing and sipping coffee on this quiet morning. I hope to feel like the frog in the pond on a lazy summer day.

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