My daughters are back, sort of. Aly of course has left for school, and Avery is getting ready to go to school, but at least we are in a somewhat normal state. Aly is tired and not feeling that good (oh no!), and Avery is moving very slow. That is the hard part with busy weekends, you have to get back at your normal life on Monday.
Mark and I had a small taste of the empty nest on Saturday. With Avery gone for the weekend and Aly gone from 10:00 AM until 11:30 PM, we had the house to ourselves. It was very quiet. We did not get as much accomplished as we had hoped, since I was on the phone with a variety of family members all day. It was almost like we were overwhelmed by not having the kids to keep us going.
We did go out at one point in the early evening for a little bite to eat and a little shopping, but we were back home within a couple of hours. We tried watching a movie, but that did not go well, since the movie plot had you on the edge of your seat wondering what would happen next. I am already so full of anxiety that I could not take any more anticipation! We ended up turning it off.
I guess we will need a few more trial runs of the empty nest before we get into it, but we have some time. Since Avery is 13, I think we can hold off on worrying about it to much right now.
Aly is very busy this week getting ready for the play Alice in Wonderland, at the high school this coming weekend. She will be practicing constantly. I hope I can keep her healthy and motivated for a couple more days. Once she gets down to the wire and starts actually doing the play she will run on adrenaline. Avery had a great weekend and she will be riding the happy wave for a few days with all the stories about what she did this weekend. I am delighted to be back in Mom mode and will be playing the part with gusto!
I have started thinking though. What do Perfect Mom's do when faced with impending empty nest syndrome? Do they look for something else to fill their lives? Do they adopt more children? Do they focus all of their attention on their husbands (Mark would like that!)? I am going to have to look into this a little bit. I know I have some time, but I do not want to be caught off guard at the last minute. That would not be appropriate behavior for a Perfect Mom.
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