Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 74 The Perfect Mom Project

The last few days have not been easy around here. Not because of anything dramatic, but because of candy. Yes, that's right candy, it is everywhere. When my daughters went out trick or treating last week they used pillowcases for there loot, so Aly took her pillowcase into her room, and Avery has left her pillowcase downstairs on the counter. They are full of candy, I would estimate, we have a good 7 to 10 pounds of candy here.

I do not normally buy candy. If I am out and have an urge, I might pick up a candy bar, but I think that is probably around 3 to 4 times a year and then, I usually share it with Mark or the kids. That being said having all this candy around me has not been pretty. I apparently have absolutely no will power. I will be walking by the counter downstairs and think, "Nope, I do not want any candy, I am through with candy!", then walk back by again and think, "hhhmmmnn one mini candy bar can't hurt."

I have been doing this several times a day for the last 4 days. I have to get this stuff out of my sight. To top things off, I think I have passed my inability to pass up candy onto my youngest daughter. I just went up to see how she was coming along with getting ready for school and I heard a crinkly wrapper noise coming from her room. "AAAvery?" I said. "What are you eating?" She replied "Nothing!" "Avery? I know you are eating something!" Her door to her room opened slowly and just her little nose poked out, "Just a mini candy bar, it was in my bottom drawer."

Oh great, now she is hiding candy? I think I have created a monster. Here I thought all her candy was in a bag down here on the counter and I find out she has hidden some in her room. I am not sure if I am more upset that she was hiding the candy, or that she was hiding the candy from me. I mean after all, who drove her to pick out the stuff she needed for her costume, and also paid for it? See, now I am even rationalizing why I deserve candy.

That is it, tonight all the candy gets sorted and put in bags and stored away for lunches. Avery and I will be twenty pounds heavier in a months time at this rate. We have to help each other through this difficult time. Just to be on the safe side though, I think I will see what yummy stuff she has hidden in her drawer after she goes to school today. I am only doing this to protect her...honest.

1 comment:

Maddog said...


I love the use of pictures on your blog. It really brightens things up.