Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 39 The Perfect Mom Project

How can it be Thursday already? I swear it was just Monday! On top of that it is the first day of October. Jeez, could time be going any faster? Maybe, it was just the busy first few weeks of school that made time go by so fast. Whatever it is I hope it slows down a little.

My youngest daughter has requested to have some girlfriends spend the night again. I honestly think that Avery is going to be my party girl. She loves having friends over. I am not sure what it is about the sleepovers that she likes so much. When I told her I was not sure if it would work this weekend, she said, "Well, maybe one of my friends will have me over then." Perhaps she just does not want another weekend alone with her family. Last weekend went so well, you remember, everything we planned did a giant belly flop!

It is hard to tell her no. She has such a cute little face and she opens up her big doe eyes..."Pllleeaassse Mom." I will have to pull out my old standby reply that she has to pick up her room. It has gone from super tidy to holy frighty! If nothing else having friends visit is a great way to get a clean bedroom out of her.

Oh my gosh, I just figured it out. Avery is actually a very tidy person, but she leaves her room messy so that she can use it as leverage in having friends over. OK, I am on to her now. I guess I will hold out and see if she brings the sleepover up again. I will not let on that I am on to her plan. If she opens those big blue eyes at me though, I know I will be a goner! I will have to use all of my Mom powers to resist her. Oh, who am I kidding, I don't have any power!

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