Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 50 The Perfect Mom Project

Back to reality today, it's Monday. Yesterday went pretty well, we had a few bumps in the road with Aly. Having been up very late after the dance, she was not very chipper, but we did get to spend some time as a family playing cards and visiting. All in all it was a good day.

The highlight for me was taking Avery along to do a little grocery shopping. Since we were out and about, I suggested that we visit a department store and see if we could get a deal on a cute dress for her to wear to the 8th grade dance in December. She had her mind made up that she was going to wear a dress she already had, and I worried that she would be sad when she got to the dance and all her friends had on new cute dresses! I explained to her that we would just see if there was anything that she liked better, but there was no pressure.

I think Avery tried on about four different dresses. Two of the dresses were darn cute, and one of the dresses made its way home with us. It was so cute to see her swirling around and feeling so pretty and feminine. I was so glad she had been willing to see what was out there. Avery is my girl that really does not care what others think about her, and she does not ever really get dressed worrying about fashion. That seems to be changing a little as she gets older, but over all she is her own person. Sometimes I celebrate that, and sometimes it drives me nuts! The fact that we went shopping, had fun doing it and came home with a dress is absolutely amazing.

I look forward to the weeks ahead as we hunker down and get into Fall. We have a little breather right now with no big events on the horizon. I hope that we can enjoy this little window and relax some. Maybe we can squeeze in a bonfire or long leisurely drive. Something to help us reset our body clocks from the stress of the busy summer and early Fall. I know I have my expectations set high, but a girl can dream can't she? I need to get going, I have cleaning to do today. This is not the house a Perfect Mom would live in right now!

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