Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 61 The Perfect Mom Project

Here it is, Friday. I am amazed each and every week how fast the time is flying by. It seems a real shame that the times we look forward to the most(the weekends), are some of the busiest times of our week.

Starting with this afternoon, we will be running hither and yon (I am not sure why I am using that term, it just came to me and I like it). It starts off today, once Aly gets home from school. She is heading to a friends house until late in the evening, and then tomorrow starts with our last soccer game (HOORAY!) and ends with both girls heading to birthday parties.

The hard part is that somewhere in this Mark and I would like to have a life too. I know, its crazy, but we think that we should have a little fun. We are going to try to get together with some friends of ours on Saturday. All you can do is just push through every ones agenda. I know it is just a few short years until my last two children are in college and Mark and I our spending every moment together. It is probably a good thing that we like each other.

The other day Mark and I were chatting about a meeting we had coming up with my Aunt Nina. She is staying in a nursing home right now, and we are helping to manage her affairs for her. Mark and I were discussing the time and details. Avery happened to be in the room, and asked "Who is the meeting for?" I replied with great sarcasm, "Me Avery, who do you think?" Avery then started laughing and said "I hope not Mom, I hope that you are not in a nursing home until after I leave for college!" To which I replied, "How the heck old do you think I am Avery?" "I think there is a good chance I will make it a little longer then that, I am only 49 for peat's sake!"

I think since my children are already angling to get me into a nursing home, I had better live it up now. They are cramping my style though, with all of the activities that they have going on. I guess I will just have to suck it up and make do with the little scraps of time that are thrown my way. I am pretty sure, that is what a perfect mom would do. OK, maybe I am just somewhat sure. Alright, I know a perfect mom would be devoted to her children...maybe I will just try to be perfect Monday through Friday and take the weekends off. Yeah, I like that idea.

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