Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 308 The Perfect Mom Project

Ahhhh, the week ahead is filled with many of life's blessings, time with family, time with friends and hopefully time for myself. There will also be many phone calls that involve the continuing saga of "As My Family Turns". My hope is that I can remain focused on the most important thing of all, my husband and my children. We are now in the, When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, phase of our life. Mark and I are trying hard to understand what has happened with my family, and prevent those happenings here.

I would say we were on the right track long ago, but there are times when we do a full scan of ourselves and our children just to be sure. Our girls are smack dab in the middle of the most selfish and self centered portion of their lives, and we are working hard to make sure that they make it out of this phase quickly and without any remnants hanging on. We have one shot at this, once they are on their own our job is done and time is getting short. Hopefully within our time together as family this week we can talk and share the love in our hearts and remind our girls that within loving yourself is a part you must give away in order to remain whole. It is a tricky, yet important part of growing up and not everyone gets there. Selflessness, empathy, caring and loving others is the better part of any of us and is the receptor to plugging into relationships with others. If I give my girls nothing else in their lives, I hope to give them that gift. Perfect or not, I would feel like a success.

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