Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 301 The Perfect Mom Project

Happy Fathers Day!

This is an open card to my husband Mark, the dad to my kids.
Thank you for coaching soccer for Avery's team and showing the girls how to lead. Thank you for sitting with the girls and helping them with their math homework (something that requires patience and knowledge). You have guided our girls, prayed with our girls and played with our girls. You have taken them camping, hiking and biking and also out to dinner and nice vacations. There have been exasperating moments with our children when you have been the voice of reason, as well as the times when they have had a play, concert, competition or honor where you have been there cheering Ashleigh, Aly and Avery on. They are lucky girls, and I am a lucky Mom. You help make my job easier by being the partner that is ready willing and able at my side. There is no Perfect Mom without the help of her trusty side kick.

Enjoy your day. Revel in the love of your children. Spend time with them and show them the kind of man that you want them to meet and marry someday. The girls are not the only lucky ones, I have also reaped the rewards of your love and I am grateful every day. I love you Mark, Happy Fathers Day!

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