Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 299 The Perfect Mom Project

Here I am watching people walk through Ashleigh’s garage poking around looking at all of her garage sale items. It is interesting to see how people shop at a garage sale. You have the scanners; walk through, look uninterested and come back later to see if the thing that caught your eye are still there. The grabbers; Pick up a bunch of stuff as you walk through and then put it all back except the item that is twenty five cents. The critique; “You don’t have much do you?” and the shopper; looking through everything and buying like crazy and only spending $5.00. Welcome to the wild world of garage sales.

It has been a wonderful twenty four hours with my lovely daughter. Restful and quiet, sitting in her garage looking at the moldy photos that I received about a week ago and sharing the memories. We laughed at our hair styles and outfits, we got teary eyed at pictures of my Mom and Dad and laughed some more at the memories that the pictures brought up. It was healing to share the pictures and memories with Ashleigh. It felt good to go back through our past together. All this and I now have a lovely new bunt pan I bought for $1.00. It was a good 24 hours. Time with Ashleigh, a bunt pan and some healing, not bad!

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