Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 304 The Perfect Mom Project

Yesterday afternoon Aly, Avery and I went to see Toy Story 3. The theatre was filled with younger children, there were no other parents there with their teenagers, but we did not care. The three of us sat there and laughed and cried, just as we always have when we have seen the "kids" movies throughout the years. The funny part of this event to me was that although I no longer have children that I have to escort to the restroom, I felt like Avery and Aly were still my little girls. I was excited to take them to the movie and share this time with them. Days like this are getting fewer and far between, and I am hoping to push the envelope, I want to squeeze as much mommy time out of the summer as I can. Some other events on the agenda for next week are, cherry picking, going to the midnight show of the summer block buster Eclipsefrom the Twilightseries and spending the fourth of July weekend at Ashleigh and Scotts house with some of our friends.

My hope is that somewhere along the way I can laugh and talk with my girls and stay plugged into their lives. In the background of all of this looms my Aunt Nina and her life that Mark and I are keeping a float, plus the added adventure of the giant mess my Dad has created for my sisters and I to figure out. I am hoping to maintain some sense of who I am throughout all of this. I let go of it once, and I am determined not to do that again. I hope by focusing on all of my girls and their lives, I can continue to gain momentum towards being an OK Mom, or a good Mom. I will reserve judgment on whether or not perfection is involved until the final hour on day 365. Just keeping my eye on the prize (my kids) should help me remember who I am and why I am here…I hope. In the mean time I am off to spend time with Aunt Nina today. It has been over a week since I have been to see her. I hope that it goes well, because if she gets feisty I will be high tailing it out of there!

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