Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 288 The Perfect Mom Project



This is the final week of school three whole days and two halves for Aly and two whole and two halves for Avery. Avery is taking tomorrow off from school. The entire school is going to a local amusement park, and Avery decided she did not want to attend. Instead she is spending the night at a friend’s house and then tomorrow I will pick her and her girlfriends (that are also passing on the trip) up and we are heading to the movies. This a pretty sweet deal for her if you ask me. Aly will be slaving away at school while we are out gallivanting around.

I am ready to be done with the hustle and bustle of the school year. Last night Mark and I ran out to pick up a few groceries and a friend I have not seen in quite some time was there. She shared with me that she too was ready for a slower pace. It is really funny how eager I am each year for school to be out and how I am just as eager at the end of summer for my kids to head back to school. Hearing my friend say out loud that she felt the same way was comforting. It must just be the dance we Moms do. We want the slower pace and some time with our kids, but then we are ready to have our own lives back and the pace of life to pick up steam.

 I just had a phone call and as the phone was ringing, I thought to myself “What did you forget Avery?” My Mom radar was right on track! She left a shirt here that she needs for her life skills class today. They are planning to do tie dying. Honestly, I think all the end of the year hustle and bustle is making it even harder for my kids to focus. “Fine Avery, I will drop it off at school at 10:30 AM”  “Thanks, Mom” she said. Just seconds before she left this morning we were running around pulling a lunch together for her, because she forgot she had to make her lunch for school today. It is nonstop action and adventure here this week. Let’s hope that this morning was our lowest point and that there is nowhere but up from here. So, I guess I need to get moving, I have a shirt to drop off at the school, another save by Mom today, “Your welcome!”



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