Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 283 The Perfect Mom Project

Todays photo is honors night 2008 Aly 8th grade, Avery 6th
I was surprised yesterday when a friend of mine told me that their family was not going to honors night tonight. They were invited, but decided not to go. One of her children had said "It's just a piece of paper Mom, it's no big deal." I know this particular family has been exceptionally busy with several children in different sports and both Mom and Dad working. Tonight is their only free night this week, so she jumped on the chance to stay home. I shared with her that I have been telling my kids for years, that when you have the chance to have someone pat you on the back, or clap for you, you should take it, as you get older those chances happen less and less. I also told her that I see her side too, if you have one night to do nothing, in a sea of busy nights, you want to grab it and enjoy it. Now, I am wondering if my idea of encouraging my kids to go for the pat on the back is the right way to think.

This being Avery's last year of middle school, I want her to have the chance to hold that piece of paper in her hand and feel the honor of the moment. On the other hand would it really matter if she was not there? I am not sure why it is so important to me that the kids not miss these moments. Is it about them, or is it really about me being able to see them receive their award. It is probably a little of both. While Avery and Aly both worked hard to do well in school, Mark and I were in the back ground helping with homework and encouraging them. Sometimes we were driving them and other times they had their own drive. Does it really matter if they are there when the awards are handed out?

Maybe, it is just about what works for each family. For us, we are dividing up tonight since Aly is going to her theartre banquet tonight and the rest of us are going to Avery's Honor's night. That is what works for our family this year. I had a Mom ask me if I was going to be at the banquet with Aly the other day, and I had to explain that we had chosen to go to Avery's last honors night. I had a tinge of guilt when I explained that we would not be there to the other Mom. I guess every family has to do what works for them, but for me, I still think I want my kids to be there for the pats on the back, I am just sad that tonight I cannot be in two places at once.

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