Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 295 The Perfect Mom Project

How do you help your daughter love who she is? How do you teach her that the feelings you have on the inside are not the feelings that define your outside? Confidence, beauty, and poise are projected from the interior. There is no makeup or hair color or outfit that is the magic fix for an interior break down. I love Aly, and I want her to love herself, who she is and what she is, based solely on, who she is and what she is, not clothing or a hairstyle or even a magazines idea of whom she is from taking a stupid quiz.

This is a tough time, my beautiful daughter and I went to a makeup counter at a local department store yesterday. Aly wanted a "new" look and my hope was that a new eye shadow or lipstick would do the trick and my girl would be back on track. Instead Aly was disappointed. It was not the look she was going for and when pressed she admitted she did not even know what the look was that she wanted. All she knew for sure was she wanted to look different.

My beautiful girl with the amazing singing voice, fabulous smile and huge heart is searching for herself and looking in all the wrong places. Some of this is typical for her age, and some of this has me on high alert. I want to guide her through this rocky terrain. My hope is to bring her through without too much damage or scarring. One wrong word from a friend or 1"frienemy" can put a fumbling teenage girl into a tail spin. It is my job to be here as her constant source of affirmation. I will not let her down, I cannot let her down! Today we will move forward and work on loving who we are. I am not sure how to begin this journey, but I know we must set out immediately; there is no time to waste. My girls life is at a cross road and I must be there with a sign pointing her towards self love and self assurance. Perhaps along the way I might even learn a thing or two!

1.Frienemy; Teenager who acts like a friend and then does mean hurtful things behind the other friends back, quite common among middle school and high school girls.

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