Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 189 The Perfect Mom Project

Remember a week or so ago when I was wishing that information that I passed on to my oldest would automatically download to my other two children? Well, I am making the same wish once again; pardon me for one moment…aaaagggghhhh! Here is how it works, I do not care if you like it, or even if you agree with it, if I tell you how I want you to clean then that is how I want it done. Please move the furniture when you vacuum. Please use the handy furniture tool on the stairs, and if you do not mind do not slam it so hard into the stairs (pretending it is my head) that you jam the brush into the tube permanently.

I remember years ago having a conflict with Ashleigh over some cleaning task and she told me that my way was stupid and what did it matter as long as the task got done. That is true, it does not matter how it is done as long as it gets done RIGHT! I get to decide if it is done, because it is my house. Avery actually told Mark and me yesterday that we are not the boss of her. I beg to differ, since I have a certificate with your name on it that they gave me at the hospital after I turned my insides out giving birth to you. Now, ta da, I am your boss! I explained to her that when she has her own home, she can clean anyway she wants to. She can even wave the vacuum wand over her living room and say she vacuumed. It will be her home and her cleaning style so have at it. Right now Avery is stuck with the crazy woman who wants the vacuum to actually touch every portion of the rug. That means picking up the dog toys and moving the chairs from under the table, instead of vacuuming around them please. Oh, and when you move a throw rug out of the way, please put it back instead of leaving it in a giant mound in another area.

Now that we have that settled, I should also mention that I am no longer allowed in the car when Aly is driving. I went off the deep end last night when she was driving and she kept saying how she hated it and did not want to drive anymore. That means that I would have to drive her everywhere; or worse yet, Avery would be driving her. Stop that talk right now you hear me? You will drive and you will like it. Apparently, being under the weather I have adopted a commando form of parenting. I am not feeling 100 % yet, but Mark thinks the fact that I actually care about any of this is a good sign that I am on the road to recovery. I am not so sure the girls are taking it as a positive sign at all. I can only guess that they want the pajama clad lump back. At least she kept quiet and let them do whatever they wanted.

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