Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 175 The Perfect Mom Project

Happy Valentine's Day!!
Today I will be sharing an open Valentine to my husband, Mark.
My Love,
I can write easily abut many things, but when it comes to writing about my love for you I always struggle. This is not because of a lack of love, it is because my heart is so full I do not know where to begin. I knew from the moment I met you that we were meant to be together. My heart pulled towards you even before either of us even knew each other very well, and it has been solidly attached to you ever since.

NO words can describe the joy you have brought into my life. I had only dreamed of this kind of happiness until we met. You have given me an amazing life. Together we have created an amazing family, even before we were married you were committed to making Ashleigh your own so that she would always know she was a part of our family and I love you for that. Having you feel love and value in Ashleigh meant the world to me.I love that you are full of adventure and willing to travel with your family anywhere, anytime. You have shown us so much and I am certain there is much more we will all see together. You have always put up with my hair brain schemes; no wife could try a man as much as I do you and still have her husband's support and patience. You have taught me what unconditional love is. I never have doubted your love for me.
The simple things, like taking out the dog in the middle of the night or dropping Aly at school are awesome. You will cook for our family and create delicious meals that chefs would drool over. You coach Avery in soccer and have never once balked at attending anything the girls have been performing in. You have no idea how much it means to me that you model for our children what a good man is. Your example of love, faith and dedication will help them make good choices when it comes time for the younger girls to marry. I am proud that Ashleigh has already chosen someone to share her life with that carries a strong resemblance to your love and dedication to me.

It is hard to believe that we have known each other almost 20 years. It feels like just moments ago that we met. I cannot even imagine my life without you and your love; you are truly a gift from God. I look forward to all the moments we still have ahead. I Love you Mark with all of my heart.

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