Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 168 The Perfect Mom Project

I will be heading home in just a short while, from my weekend at Ashleigh’s. I have had a wonderful time here with my daughter and my friends, but I am looking forward to getting home. There is something about the feeling of “home”. It is a touch stone to who you are. If the circumstances are right, home can be healing and comforting. My home is like that to me.

Actually my family is also healing and comforting to me. I know that when I get home today any number of things will be going on. Some might be pleasant and some not so pleasant. My girls could be having a sister bonding day or they may be fighting over something ridiculous, but whatever is happening, it will be familiar. I think that even in the worst situation in life there is always something comforting about things being the same. You know what to expect and you know how you will react.

There will come a time when I walk through the doors of my home and I will not have the sounds of my girls there. I know that it will be the same home with all of its comfort and security, but without the girls there laughing or arguing things will be different. Something will change, inside the house and inside of me. I am certain that nothing can prepare me for this time in my life. While my goal each day is to help give the girls the tools they need to leave I am sure that when the time comes my home will change and so will I. If I play my cards right the change will be positive for all of us.

That’s the goal today. Go home hug the girls and Mark and hopefully get a full update of what I missed while I was away from home. We will talk and laugh about our weekends and spend some time together. That is my fantasy version of what will happen, the real thing may play out completely different. Regardless, it will still be good to be home, where everything is the same.

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