Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 170 The Perfect Mom Project

Today we are being told to expect at least 6 inches of snow. My girls are so excited that tomorrow will be a snow day. I will be honest, I am too. I LOVE snow days, those are the days when nothing much is expected of you. Obviously you cannot go anywhere, and you really do not want to anyway.

So this morning I am heading out to gather my snow day supplies, things like snacks and cocoa. Maybe I will find a yummy bottle of wine just in case it is snowy enough for Mark to stay home too. I know most of the day he will work from home, but later in the afternoon it would be nice to sit with him by the fire and relax. Just the thought of all this is s0 exciting! I am also hoping to have a chance to play Wii with Avery. We had so much fun playing on my birthday; I would like to do that again. I get the feeling that my hopes are real high for a snow day; it could be very disappointing for me if it does not happen I might even be more disappointed than the girls!

I will just have to see what the day brings, if it gets too bad, I will worry about Mark getting home safe. I will just be happy when everyone is home safe later today and we are all looking out at the snow together. I am certain that my girls will do their normal want a snow day routine of wearing their PJ's inside out tonight, anything to help the odds along. You know I might even give it a shot, what can it hurt?

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