Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 166 The Perfect Mom Project

First I want to applaud Mark for his blog yesterday. I could not have said any of that better myself! Mark is a wonderful husband; together we have created a wonderful family and a great life. I would never have imagined I would have such a great friend and love in my life. Thank you, my love for all your support. I think we balance each other out quite well.

Yesterday was an awesome day. Mark took the day off work and we enjoyed spending the day together. I love our time together laughing and talking. When we are in the midst of our everyday lives we sometimes lose our connection, it is nice to plug back in and just be a couple every once in a while. It keeps our love alive. I laugh so much when I am with Mark and it truly fills my soul. I am blessed.

My friends and family helped make this milestone birthday amazing and memorable. I could never have imagined all the surprises I received. I sit here writing surrounded by flowers. They are all beautiful and special, including the flowers that were delivered from my Dad. I can say many things about my Dad, but he has always remembered me on my birthday and Christmas, especially once my Mom’s memory started to go. There are not enough words to express my delight, gratitude and overwhelming surprise this week has brought to me. I will have these memories for many years to come.

Today I leave to spend the weekend with my friend and lovely daughter Ashleigh at her home. I am excited to have this time with her. I am so happy that I can call her a friend. We worked our way through all the years of growing up and parenting and we have ended up in a wonderful relationship that I treasure. I hope that in the years to come I will be able to do the same with my Aly and Avery too. It is an amazing gift to work so hard raising your child and not only be proud of whom they have become, but also count them as one of your friends.

I am surrounded at this moment by my dog Roxanne and my grand dog Louis. They are enjoying the fact that I am sitting in my comfy chair and typing on my new notebook computer. I will now be able to write from anywhere I am. I look forward to many more blog entries, and now I will not have to scrounge up a computer depending on where I am. I am truly going to love this new adventure, almost as much as I love being a wife and mom. Ahhhhhhhh, my life is good; I am ready for another fifty years!

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