Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 327 The Perfect Mom Project

Another milestone was passed yesterday afternoon, Aly passed her driving test. It was a moment when I watched as one of my children scooted a little closer to the edge of the nest. This is a big milestone, it represents freedom and responsibility and it also represents a bigger insurance bill which makes me cry. I am excited for Aly, and I am excited to watch her burst out into the world, on the other hand I keep scanning the years that have past and hoping that I have given her enough love and self confidence and the big one…common sense. Now that she will be driving without me or Mark at her side there will be times that she will have to make tough decisions. She will be making choices on her own about speed (how fast is too fast?), she will need to look left and right and decide if she should switch lanes or stay where she is, and she will have to be cautious of other people and the choices they are making on the road that might affect her. All these things are also choices she will make not only when she is driving, but throughout her life journey.

Monday is Aly's 16th birthday. On that day I will ride along with Aly to get her official license from the Secretary of State and then I am certain that she will drop me off at home and go for a ride on her own. Oh, just thinking about that feeling of freedom makes me smile for her, that feeling of freedom and looking out and seeing nothing but the world's door open and waiting for you to enter. It will not be long until I am pushing my little nest hugger off the edge and watching her fly. This is a good thing, but also another scoot closer to my nest being empty. That is when I will look out the world's door and see what is waiting for me, for now I am content (for the most part) with preparing my girls for life and keeping my nest together…once again hoping that that is what perfect moms do.

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