Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 312 The Perfect Mom Project

What a difference a day makes! This morning I sit writing in a quiet house. Mark has today off and so he and the girls are still sleeping. I am able to sit with my coffee and my computer and spend some quiet time alone. Mark and I plan to run some errands and spend the day just being together. I am looking forward to that. I enjoy my time with Mark; he truly is the best friend I have ever had. I know I have said this before, but for the first time in my life, I have experienced true unconditional love through Mark. I consider our relationship a true gift from God. There can be no softer place for me to fall.

I am grateful for his love and support. He can always make me laugh, sometimes even at myself. Laughter is a key part of who we are and how we raise the girls. In the last few months some of the laughter has faded, but I am hoping to get it back again. We will have the next few days together. Some of the time we will spend with our family and some with friends, but most importantly we will be together. Mark and I talked last night about how in a few short years we will have all the time alone we want. That's when life will openly mock us and we will miss having the girls around. We had that feeling when Ashleigh left home. Each time she comes to visit or stay over it is like she steps right back into her spot within our home. Sort of like slipping on a comfortable broken in slipper, its warm and it feels just right.

Mark and I have never really experienced being alone. We started our married life together as parents, since Ashleigh and I were already a team. Being alone is more of a reality now then it has ever been, and as wonderful as it seemed seeing it in the distance years ago, now
it seems a little too real and not quite as appealing. Which brings me back to the question I ask often, what will I do when my girls have grown and gone? I cannot think about it right now. But someday soon I will need to make some time to think about what is next for me. In the mean time I am going to enjoy my day, laughing and talking and spending time with my best friend, Mark.

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