Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

So after all my pontificating about making it through the rough stuff, I have come face to face with a batch (rough stuff) of my own. You know it is always easier to share your wisdom and insight then it is to actually use it. So faced with choices and decisions of my own, I am frozen with worry and wonder. So let me list out my questions…

  1. What is the best choice to make?
  2. Who do I help and who do I hurt by the choice?
  3. Is this decision for mine or someone else's sake?

You never know when you set out on a path of choices where the path will lead, but you do know that at the end there is change, sometimes it is for good and other times…well, that's another batch of rough stuff. That is where the anxiety builds during decision making; is this the right decision or the wrong one? I should probably add that question to my list above. Regardless, now I find myself looking back over all my pontificating about how to handle these situations and all I can think is what a puffed up, self righteous buffoon I am. I am certain that at some point when I have been rambling on about how to handle this stuff it started to sound like blah, blah, blah!

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