Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Goes Around…

The subject of Karma has come up a bit lately. Karma is the belief that humans acting of their own free will, create their own destiny. Basically, what goes around comes around or you reap what you sow, there is no way to blame anyone else or anything else for your life if you believe in Karma. All of your life choices bring you back full circle each and every day.

This of course is my personal belief system and I have tried to instill it in my children. I know I have mentioned in the past, but I believe that anything that comes up in your life that you do not deal with continues to return to your life until you work through it. Each time it returns I believe it comes back differently with the same lesson until you walk through it and complete the lesson. I know this sounds crazy, but I am pretty sure you have already figured out that I walk a little on the crazy side.

With all that said, I should also add that I have watched Karma work for good in some people's lives and I have watched it swirl around and return to teach a lesson again and again each time getting more difficult and painful. I guess my main point is that we choose to be happy or we choose to be miserable. We also choose how we will be with others. If we decide that we are the most important person and everything we do is only for us, Karma will attempt to teach us to open our hearts.

I am very happy to report that in the case of my issues with my Mom and Dad that Karma has worked to my benefit. I chose at the time to ride that wave, I turned the other cheek and showed grace where I could. I stayed focus, I cried and dealt with my wounded heart and in return my life has become fuller and more blessed with family relationships that had soured and hearts that have turned that had at one time questioned. We are not at the end of our journey within our family. Many things are still out there that need to be dealt with and slowly they are. The merry-go-round called life is amazing, the ride is thrilling and if you play your cards right, it comes around.

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