Monday, July 11, 2011

Vacation Crazy

I admit it, I am one of those. You know the ones? They clean their house and wash their sheets before they leave on vacation people? That's me and today is the day, for the cleaning at least, the sheets I will wash on Thursday, since we are leaving very early Friday morning for vacation.

We are going to my Cousin Laurel's wedding in Maine. She is getting married at moon rise next Sunday night on the beach in Maine and we are thrilled to be going. Before we can go, I have a lot of necessary and unnecessary things I must do. Things like getting the brakes checked on my car. We dropped my car off last night and we are now awaiting the call. The here is how much it will be, hope you have enough money call, that keeps your anxiety level high until the call comes and the price punch hits you. Every day this week is filled with plans and tasks and I have to start my list today. I have had random things rolling around in my head and I have to get them out before I go vacation crazy!

The final addition to our already crammed list of tasks came last night when Aly and Avery went and bought tickets for the midnight showing of the final Harry Potter movie. Mark and I decided that we might as well start driving after they get home from the movie since the girls will be wiped out and we will be ready to go. That will be us you see driving on the road with all the truckers at OMG o'clock on Friday morning. The upside to this crazy idea of leaving early, we get to our overnight destination (Albany, New York) early enough in the day that we can look around and relax and perhaps even burn off some of the long car ride blues.

This will be a week filled with lists and stress and lots of unexpected additions to our plans but when it is all said and done, we will be with my cousin and my family in a place I have never been. I may be vacation crazy now, but by next Saturday, I hope to be past the crazy and on to just plain happy!

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