Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Full Plate and More Than I Can Chew

I am piling it on. I am not sure why but to my already full list of responsibilities I have added a roofing and siding project for my home and when that is complete a new driveway and sidewalk and front porch. The cherry on this cake is the trip we having coming up in a week and a half. We are heading to Maine for my cousin Laurel's wedding. I feel like I am jet propelling through every single day. I had a friend ask me if I was trying to make summer go faster or slower by doing all of this. Let's just say that now my plate is full and I have more than I can chew. It is not a pretty sight.

I barely have time to write this week. Tomorrow morning I am off to meet with the woman that ran the estate sale at my Aunt Nina's house. I cannot wait to tell her that I learned today that my Aunt's Grandson's decided that they do not want the items that they originally declared they did want. We purposely excluded these items from the sale, and now I will have to figure out what the heck to do with them. Yes, that is me you hear screaming!

I have lost the ability to talk to anyone calmly. I am overwhelmed by breathing and thinking let alone worrying about more things that need to be sorted out at my Aunt's house. I fall asleep and wake up a few hours later wide awake and trying to sort out where to go and what to do next, I fall back to sleep just in time to wake up again. My head is popping off. I need a mental vacation before I go mental…OH WAIT, TOO LATE!!

To make tomorrow even more special, I will be having my annual Mammogram, Woo! So I will go to my Aunt's house slam my head against the counter in frustration then race back 32 miles so that I can slam my breasts in an x-ray machine, sounds delightful doesn't it? Soooooo, I will once again skip writing tomorrow morning so that I can get out of here early and take care of my full plate and whatever else I bite off. Perhaps tomorrow night I will share another bite full with you.

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