Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One Mood

There is tightness in my shoulders. My teeth are somewhat clinched and my mouth is in a semi scowl. It is not a pretty picture, but I am in full steam ahead mode and I am determined to get myself and my family out the door and on the road Friday morning with as many bases covered as possible. The problem is that things keep happening that mess with my plans.

I set out yesterday with determination. I got my girls going at 10:00 AM by telling them they were my indentured servants for the day. They were not real happy with my plan, but I did not care, things had to get done. I was happily bossing my children around when I unexpectedly took a tumble down my basement stairs. It was just the last four steps and if you look closely you will see the skin from my back clinging to the fibers on the carpeting there. I was heading down the stairs on a mission, with a few items in my hands that I was planning to put away, when WOOPS I hit the steps and slid down. I have a lovely GIANT bruise just below my left hip and absolutely no pride left since Aly came running and had to look at me splade out like a game of 52 pickup. I am not as sore today as I had thought I would be so there is an upside to this fiasco.

I am in a "git 'er done" mood and it will be a miracle if we climb in the car early Friday morning and my family still likes me. Everything I say comes out in a grumbly stern voice and I have no patience for slackers. Some of this could be due to the fact that I am doing too much and have nothing left in me to play nice with others. Regardless, this is where we are at and we will make it through. I remember talking to my Dad and no matter what was going on, he would always say "I'm just picking 'em up and putting 'em down", at the time I thought it was a cutely coined phrase, but oddly that is exactly how I am feeling. One focus, heading forward, my mood is strong and intolerant and I am getting things done…yep sounds like my Dad. So in the words of my dearly departed Dad, I'm just picking 'em up and putting 'em down not a pretty mood, but the one that gets things done none the less.


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