Thursday, February 10, 2011

Silent Scream

As I was typing away at my blog this morning my computer suddenly shut down to perform some windows updates. Normally the computer will save things automatically, but for some reason today this did not happen. I started screaming in my head "NO, NO please don't be gone!" but alas the entire blog was gone and it was not coming back.

I searched through different parts of the computer hoping I would discover it hiding somewhere…it wasn't. I even called my technical support department (my husband Mark) who informed me that it did not look good. Again I did another silent scream of frustration; I just wanted my words back. I felt so hopeless. I did not want to have to retype that blog all over again. I had felt the words pouring out of me and I was sure that if I tried to retype what I had written, it would not have the same thought or feeling as it did before it disappeared.

I hope that as I make my way through the day today I might discover my lost blog hiding in a dusty computer file somewhere. The blog was pouring out of my fingers so fast. The words were at the ready each time I stopped typing and took a moment to think. I really felt like my computer was giving me a smack down, "take that you lowly human, I have all the power so do not forget it!" I know I always say that everything happens for a reason, so I will assume that this deletion was meant to be and I will move on, but first I will have one last silent scream of frustration!

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