Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Over It

Today I went back to the doctor. This was my third trip back, I have been there every two weeks and I am over it. Whatever this bug is has a hold of me and does not want to let go. I am tired, exhausted really. Everything has started to feel like a chore. Just making a meal or doing some laundry feels like I am preparing for the Olympics.

I always worry when I have to go back to the doctor. I get paranoid that he will think I have the hots for him and that I am so pathetic that I keep coming in with fake illnesses just to see him. Fortunately and unfortunately I am really sick again, so he can relax and I can stop thinking such ridiculous thoughts.

I am over feeling tired, I want to wake up in the morning and climb out of bed and feel purposeful. Right now, all I feel is blah!! Time to get up…blah, time to do the laundry…blah, time to pick up the girls…blah, you get the point. Even talking is draining (I am as shocked as you).

I hope you will forgive this short blog today; I am in need of a nap. I am tired and tired of being sick and I just want to get some rest and get OVER IT!!

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