Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Recently an actor named Charlie Sheen has been in the news. Perhaps you are not a news person or someone that pays attention to celebrities, but this train wreck is hard to miss. Here is a clip from one recent interview.

What has been most difficult for me to watch is his demeanor. It has reminded me so much of the meeting that my sisters and I had with my Dad Thanksgiving weekend 2009(Day 97 The Perfect Mom Project). That was the meeting where my Dad talked about how he "deserved to be happy", and basically told all of my sisters and me that his happiness and his wants and needs trumped ours. His anger towards us and his rants that day were very much like what I have been watching Charlie Sheen do and it has brought some of the sadness back.

Watching someone self destruct is very unpleasant, whether it is someone you love and care about or a celebrity that the media is cramming down your throat. There actually seems to be a rash of crazy self destructive behavior in the world right now. Muammar Gaddafi has also thrown his hat in the ring as a narcissistic attention seeking control freak. There is no way to know why the world seems to be going crazy, it is just very unpleasant to watch and in the case of Muammar Gaddafi it has cost many lives and there is certainly going to be many more lives lost in the days to come.

All we can do is watch as these people run rough shod over everyone in their lives and pray that when the dust clears there is not too much destruction for the rest of us to deal with. As for my sisters and I we are still sorting through my Dad's destruction. It is amazing how much damage one person can do when they get it in their head that they are the supreme being and the rest of the world (including their children) are their minions. So as my family continues to sift through our debris, my heart goes out to the families that are trying to hold on to their own lives while these other two narcissistic lunatics spiral out of control.

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