Monday, March 21, 2011

Worry Wart

I just stared at them, "What the heck are these things called? Why can't I remember?" I was in a bit of a panic. In my hand were two common items and I was not able to pull up the name of them from the depths of my brain. What really had me panicking was the fact that just two days before that, I walked out of the grocery store and did not recognize my own car.

I have a lot going on right now, my house is torn up, my kids are constantly on the move with the play, I am on the 5 year plan committee for the school district and I am trying to stay on top of my household responsibilities as well as Aunt Nina's needs. Add to that the fact that I am trying to prepare my house for Scott and Ashleigh's arrival this week to see the girl's play and visit with us and you have a therapist's dream patient.

I woke in the middle of the night worried and fearful. I do not want to be caught off guard that I have a problem and I do not want to convince myself I have a problem when I don't. Honestly if I am faced with Alzheimer's, it is out of my hands anyway. That does not stop me from my worry. If this is from being over booked, then I will be glad when this week is over.

The two items I had in my hand…screwdrivers. I stared at them and said out loud to myself, "Come on, you know what these are!", then it came to me. There was a real sense of relief once I figured it out, but I am still troubled that I had to figure it out at all. As for the car, I looked right at it and thought, "That looks like my car but it looks to new". I pulled out my key fob and hit the unlock button as I walked past the vehicle, and that is when I saw the license number and realized that it was my car as I unlocked it. Whatever is happening to me has me, has me in a tizzy. Is this something to be concerned about, or am I just a worry wart?

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