Monday, March 28, 2011

Energy Source

Please someone plug me in, I am very low on energy. I need to be recharged and fast! This week the girls have to prepare for the trips out of town over Spring break on top of going to school. Right now I have no energy to offer and I am doing my best to pretend so that I can get some laundry and household stuff done. This was an amazing weekend. Watching my children perform and spending time with my oldest daughter Ashleigh and my son-in-law Scott was absolutely the best!

Besides seeing four of the six shows of Beauty and the Beast that Aly and Avery preformed in, I also talked with Ashleigh and shopped with Ashleigh. The best part was that Ashleigh helped me get my house and my mind back together. While Mark and I were at the show on Friday night, Ashleigh and Scott spent time putting some finishing touches on my kitchen and tiding up my house. It was wonderful coming home and feeling like everything was back on track.

On Saturday while Ashleigh and I did a little shopping, Scott and Mark cut up the tree that had fallen in our yard and then decided to cut down another tree that was leaning dangerously close to the house. Plus they demolished an old piano that had been sitting around our basement for way too long. Mark and I both felt like their help lifted a heavy weight off of our backs.

Yet here I sit this morning looking forward to next week when the girls are on break and Mark and I are too. Mark has taken a few days off next week and we hope to come up with something that gets us out of the house so that we can relax a little. We have to plug into our energy again, because we have more projects we need to accomplish around here, like painting our house and staining our deck. Plus there are tree limbs everywhere in our yard and a shed to paint…

We had better find my energy source fast!

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