Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Full Heart

As I sat through my second show of Beauty and the Beast last night, I was overwhelmed by the beautiful gifts that God has given my girls. Watching them perform has filled my heart. There are no words to express how full my heart is, this brings back all the memories of when my oldest daughter Ashleigh was in high school and the shows that she did. Apparently, my girls have drawn the drama and music card for talent and they are making the best of it.

Someone said to me the other day "You must be so proud", I told Mark, I was uncomfortable being prideful of gifts and talents that I did not create. For whatever reason each of my children has been given various degrees of artistic talent and it is exciting to watch them grow and flourish within them. Having one daughter make her way to adulthood and be so graceful and confident lets me know that these talents will serve them all well throughout their lives.

The girls have been going none stop for three months and trying to keep them healthy and focused has not been easy, but after seeing the show, I know that it was all worth it, every single minute. My heart is like an open spring that has joy just pouring out of it. The fact that Ashleigh has been able to be here and share this joy with us has made everything even more wonderful!

I will be back to see the show tonight and tomorrow applauding long and loud. Tonight many of Ashleigh's friends are coming, traveling two hours to share in our happiness and we are so excited to share our home and town with them. We also have Ashleigh's dear Godmother and my sister and her family coming as well. We are all just full of joy, but not pride. Thankful, but not prideful, we have done nothing but nurture these beautiful young women that we were blessed with, some days it was easy and other days not so much, but always a blessing that fills my heart today and every day.

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