Friday, December 17, 2010

The Waiting Game Part 2

Here we sit waiting. We arrived at the hospital at 8:30, the time the hospital had asked us to be here. We were told that our doctor had an emergency and that we would be waiting for a while. All I could think of at the time was to act like it was no big deal so that Aly would not get freaked out. I of course was freaking out inside. I just wanted my little girl to get into the operating room so that we can get on with the healing.

It is now 11:21 AM. Aly was just wheeled into the operating room. My heart went in with her. There is no hug that would be enough for her right now. She was very brave and only seemed nervous when they put in her IV. That's when she shed a few tears. Other than that she played on my DS and chatted with Mark and me. She did share with us that the flavors of Campbell's soup and Progresso soup are no longer "acceptable". Good to know, I guess I will not stock up on those. She tells us that they are not salty enough. Whatever! Just hurry up and get better and I will bring you some Ramen noodles. That should get the salt factor up a notch or two!

So now we wait some more, an hour or so for the surgery and then another hour in recovery before we can see her. Than I can take my little girl home and get her on the path to healing. I will be glad when this part is over. Right now we will wait some more, we are getting very good at waiting. The upside is that Aly is finally in the operating room and on her way to being healed, that is well worth all the waiting.

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